Lavender Glow Bouquet (Tulips Bouquet)
Order hand bouquets or flowers for delivery, and let the Lavender Glow ensemble light up the day with its vibrant yellow tulips. Perfect for anyone in the Philippines or abroad wanting to send a burst of joy, this bouquet comes wrapped in a soft lavender hue and tied with a white ribbon, symbolizing a joyful expression.
Includes: Yellow Tulips and Fresh Eucalyptus Accents, beautifully presented in Lavender Wrapping & White Ribbon.Delivery: Available for Rush Flower Delivery in Metro Manila, Same Day Delivery, or Next Day Delivery.
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Same Day Delivery in Metro Manila, Rizal, Cavite and Laguna.
We offer same day delivery on selected items and rush deliveries on our rush delivery collection.
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Metro Manila, Laguna, Cavite, Rizal & Bulacan for same day delivery.
For RUSH deliveries, we only serve within Metro Manila cities for selected items only.
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- Buyer Protection: Full refund when you don't receive your order. 30% refund for late deliveries.